Semarang (ANTARA) – BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJAMSOSTEK) Semarang Majapahit Branch Office synergizes with Rapel in providing protection for vulnerable workers, one of which is at the Tour de Borobudur event.
Chief Executive Officer of Rapel Berthy Jacob said that a number of inorganic waste collected during the Tour de Borobudur 2022 had been purchased to pay BPJAMSOSTEK contributions for vulnerable workers. The purchased waste will be sorted again and recycled into value-for-use items.
"Waste has value when it is sorted, because each type has its own value, like a plastic bottle between the bottle and the lid, each has its own value," he explained.
Head of BPJAMSOSTEK Semarang Majapahit Office Imron Fatoni admitted that this innovation could help low-wage workers to continue to receive social protection from risks that might occur, such as work accidents, to death.
"Our hope is that when they carry out their daily activities, such as coolies, small traders, and others, they will still be protected when there is a risk of work accidents or death," Imron said at the peak of the Tour de Borobudur XXII, at Lumbini Park, Marga Utama area. Borobudur Temple Tourism Park, Sunday (6/11).
The fee, which was paid for the first time from the sale of the waste, also serves as a bridge to educate low-income people that BPJAMSOSTEK fees are very affordable, namely Rp. 16,800 per month. After they know about the BPJAMSOSTEK program, they can then save approximately Rp. 600 per day to pay the next month's dues.
"It is very possible, so that one can independently become a BPJAMSOSTEK participant," explained Imron who also said that BPJAMSOSTEK contributions were only intended for workers, but the benefits of the program were thought of up to the heirs.
When a BPJAMSOSTEK participant, he continued, had a work accident when going to work, or on his way home, the BPJAMSOSTEK participant has the right to receive unlimited hospital care costs, until declared cured. Even during the waiting period for healing and the participant has not been able to return to work,
BPJAMSOSTEK provides replacement income once the value of the wages is reported—as long as the participant recovers and can return to his activities. Even if the work accident causes the participant to experience temporary disability, BPJAMSOSTEK will still provide social protection.
"This assistance aims to prevent the emergence of socio-economic risks, due to the backbone of the family unable to work due to work accidents," he explained.
Meanwhile, if the worker dies as a result of a non-work accident, the heirs will receive a death benefit of IDR 42 million. Heirs whose status is still in school are also given educational scholarships starting from kindergarten to tertiary institutions, so that the children's education is saved.
Imron added that BPJAMSOSTEK provides protection for all workers. Regardless of the educational background of the participants, as well as the type of work. Seeing the enormous benefits of this program, he invited all informal workers, such as traders, coconut climbers, farmers, scavengers, pedicab drivers, and others, to register as BPJAMSOSTEK participants.
Berthy added that one person can produce as much as 0.7 kilograms of organic and inorganic waste per day. If this waste accumulates every day and is not managed properly, it can be life threatening. Natural disasters can occur, such as floods, environmental pollution, endangered aquatic ecosystems, heat waves, extreme weather, and others.
In addition, it shortens the life of the final landfill (TPSA). Ideally TPSA is only used to accommodate waste that can no longer be recycled or waste residue.
According to him, plastic waste that looks crushed is actually still there. But the size changes to microplastic. This happens due to plastic waste that is disposed of carelessly.
"Even the dust is still visible, but microplastics are hard to see, and this is very dangerous," he concluded.
Reporter: KSM
Editor: Nur Istibsaroh