Where does Rapel operate?
Saat ini rapel tersedia di DIY, Semarang, Tangerang, Bali, Solo Raya, Surabaya, dan Bandung.
What types of waste can be collected?
You can stack inorganic types of waste that have a sale value, whether in the form of paper, plastic, metal, glass bottles, or electronic goods. For more details click here to view a collapsible waste catalog.
How to become a user?
It's easy, just download the Rapel application in the Play Store then register through the application. Make sure to enter an active cellphone number in the cellphone number column.
How to become a collector?
If you want to become a collector, you can fill out a collector registration form here. If you meet the requirements we provide, we will contact you immediately.
Requirements to become a collector:
- Have an Android phone min version 5.0
- Have a garbage collection vehicle
- Willing to follow the rules that apply while using the collector application
Registration failed
If you have problems like:
- Entered the wrong mobile number during registration
- The cellphone number/email entered has been registered during registration
- Not receiving otp code
- Or other obstacles
you can access https://wdp.rapel-id.com/dukungancepat agar masalahmu terselesaikan segera. Bila masih mengalami kendala kamu dapat langsung menghubungi kami via email di support@rapel.id. We will be happy to solve your problem.
What is the minimum weight of trash that can be folded?
Simply by collecting 1 kg of trash, you can already consolidate your trash.
When is the rape service time?
Our collectors are ready to pick up your garbage every day from 06.00 to 21.00.
Do you have to apply through the application?
Yes, Rapel does not serve through other platforms (chat, web, etc.). Currently you can download the application through the play store. For iPhone users, wait for us at the app store.